In the IT industry you can either evolve as part of the channel or risk losing out. Understanding your partners is now more important than ever as traditional channel ecosystems often prioritise size and numbers over substance and value. This outdated approach can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Enter CapametriX Partner Audit, our new offering, designed to transform how vendors and distributors interact and support their partners.

The Challenge; Evolving Beyond “Bigger is Better”

So many Vendors in our experience still cling to the notion that a larger partner network inherently means better business outcomes. However, in reality, simply having a vast number of partners does not guarantee success. In fact, it can often lead to more conflicts and less effective management. Partners who follow trends instead of setting them may require more attention and resources, detracting from your overall profitability and strategic goals. Additionally, the diverse needs of VARs, MSPs, consultancies, and other channel partners mean that a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer viable. Some partners excel in sales, others in marketing or technical services, but few are strong in all areas. This disparity necessitates a more nuanced and supportive channel framework not normally covered by a Bronze, Silver or Gold tiered approach originating from the 1990’s.

 A Game Changer in Channel Management

 CapametriX PA has been engineered to provide deep insights into your channel ecosystem; offering:

  • Instant Maturity Rating: Quickly assess the operational strengths and weaknesses of your partners.
  • Bespoke Action Plans: Tailored recommendations for each partner, based on individual or multi-contact consensus reviews.
  • Anonymous Benchmarking: Compare partners at a granular capability level without compromising confidentiality.
  • Multi-Language Support: Engage partners across the globe in their preferred language, enhancing communication and collaboration.


  • Minimal Time Investment: Achieve exponential growth potential with just a 10-minute initial investment.

    CapametriX PA enables you to swiftly evaluate and compare your existing channel ecosystems to boost their value. The service provides detailed analytics and management reporting across your entire partner base, offering a comprehensive view that is both immediate and actionable.

    The Competitive Edge: Moving from Transactional to Consultative Partnerships

    Transition from a transactional approach to a consultative one, fostering deeper, more meaningful relationships with your partners. By understanding your partners’ strengths and weaknesses, you can offer targeted support that enhances their capabilities and drives mutual growth.

     Key benefits include:

    • Enhanced QBR Conversations: Elevate quarterly business reviews with detailed insights and strategic recommendations.
    • Global Coverage: Operate seamlessly across different regions, adapting to local market conditions and partner needs.
    • Distributor-Friendly: Tailored solutions that cater specifically to the needs of distributors.

    Why Now? The Urgency of Adapting in a Digital Age

    The internet and AI era demand agility and innovation. Sticking to outdated methods of partner management not only hinders growth but also risks falling behind competitors who are quicker to adapt. CapametriX PA provides a cost-effective, scalable solution that delivers real-time, accurate analysis of your channel, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly.

    Getting Started: Transform Your Partner Ecosystem

    With flexible pricing options, including unlimited iterations of framework creation, unlimited co-branding with partners, and self-service links –  a fixed fee structure and a 48-hour SLA for the initial framework delivery, it’s easier than ever to get started and see immediate value. Understanding your partners is the key to becoming a better partner yourself and by leveraging CapametriX’s cutting-edge assessment technology, you can foster stronger, more productive relationships that drive success for all stakeholders.

    Please contact us to learn more and start your journey towards a more insightful and effective partner ecosystem today.